2025 (51)
- March 11 - The Occult Versus the Mystical
- March 10 - Ordination of Women
- March 7 - The Caricature by Alisa Childers
- March 6 - Recommended Bible Translations
- March 5 - Lenten Prayer for Forgiveness
- March 4 - The Map and the Territory
- March 3 - A Prayer for America
- February 28 - Paraphrase of the Prayer of Ephraim the Syrian
- February 27 - Growing Older Reflections
- February 26 - The Divine Message
- February 25 - American Fascists for Christ
- February 24 - Pray Three Times a Day
- February 21 - The Ten Commandments of Conservative Christianity
- February 20 - The Ten Commandments of Progressive Christianity
- February 19 - Progressive Christianity is not Liberal Christianity
- February 18 - Why Progressive Christianity?
- February 17 - Progressive Christianity Always Reforming
- February 14 - Power is Poison
- February 13 - What is Conversion?
- February 12 - Selfishness is Sin
- February 11 - Prayer Before Eating
- February 10 - False Expectations About the Bible
- February 7 - Praying the Psalms
- February 6 - What Do You Mean by God?
- February 5 - Your Not a Real Hermit
- February 4 - Does God Lead Us into Temptation?
- February 3 - Come Out and Be Separate
- February 2 - Dangers of Christian Nationalism
- February 1 - Donald Trump is Evil
- January 31 - The Danger of Drifting
- January 30 - Spiritual Warfare
- January 29 - A Better Society
- January 28 - Four Wisdom Traditions
- January 27 - Few Should Become Hermits
- January 24 - The Church is Not the Church
- January 23 - Just Living is Not Enough
- January 22 - An Ecumenical Hermit
- January 21 - If It’s Going to Be, It’s Up to Me
- January 20 - A Hermit and His Disciples
- January 17 - St. Romuald’s Brief Rule
- January 16 - The Canonical Hours
- January 15 - The Divine Feminine
- January 14 - Doubt Troubled by Faith
- January 13 - Difference Between a Discipline and a Virtue
- January 10 - The Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed
- January 8 - The Mystic Way
- January 7 - Never Complain, Never Explain
- January 6 - Correcting Others
- January 3 - Fasting on Wednesday and Friday
- January 2 - Receiving Advice
- January 1 - A New Beginning
- December 31 - Is God Totally in Control?
- December 30 - Learn from All
- December 27 - The Thought of God (Hymn)
- December 26 - Help, I’m an Atheist
- December 25 - Wise Men from the East
- December 24 - Christ Born of Mary
- December 23 - Christmas Can Be Hard
- December 20 - Hail Mary
- December 19 - A Method of Contemplation
- December 18 - Two Parts of Contemplation
- December 17 - Prayer and Style of Life
- December 16 - What is Progressive Christianity?
- December 16 - What is Contemplation?
- December 12 - Society and Politics
- December 12 - The Mysticism of the Apostle Paul
- December 11 - What is Wisdom?
- December 10 - Define Christian Mysticism
- December 9 - Hiddenness and Concealment
- December 9 - The Sinner’s Prayer
- December 6 - Sola Deo not Sola Scriptura
- December 5 - The Three Evangelical Counsels
- December 3 - Canon 603
- December 2 - Four Essential Spiritual Disciplines
- December 2 - Minimalism as a Spiritual Practice
- December 1 - What is Christian Mysticism?
- November 30 - Churches Practicing Weekly Eucharist
- November 30 - How to Be a Hermit
- November 27 - Being a Hermit is a Calling
- November 26 - Individualized Eschatology
- November 25 - Don’t Become a Minimalist
- November 24 - What is a Hermit?
- November 23 - The Two Eyes of Wisdom
- November 22 - Henri Nouwen on Solitude
- November 22 - Follow Socrates’ Example
- November 20 - Christianity Renew or Reject
- November 19 - The Confusion of Gnosticism
- November 18 - A Simple Epistemology
- November 15 - Defining Wisdom
- November 12 - Marrying Church and State
- November 11 - Did Jesus Teach Reincarnation?
- November 9 - I am a Christian Mystic
- November 8 - Qualifications for Philosophers
- November 6 - Ungrounded Speculation
- November 3 - My Position on Abortion
- November 1 - Could of, Would of, Should of
- October 31 - Gnostic Christianity Defined
- October 30 - How Orthodox am I?
- October 28 - Misogyny in the Gospel of Thomas?
- October 24 - Don’t Speak At All
- October 21 - Mystic versus Gnostic
- October 16 - Get a Grip on Prayer
- October 9 - The Therapeutae and Therapeutrides
- October 7 - Four Stages of Faith
- October 5 - Keep Silence (Quotes)
- October 3 - Guns Kill People
- September 30 - Understanding Grace
- September 25 - Walk Alone
- September 23 - Defining Gnosticism
- September 10 - The First Creed
- September 2 - The Therapeutae According to Eusebius
- August 26 - Old Roman Creed
- August 19 - The Liberal Bogeyman
- August 12 - Translation of 2 Timothy 3:16
- August 6 - The Core Values of Progressive Christianity
- August 5 - The Failure of Naturalism
- August 1 - God’s Plan for Your Life
- July 30 - The Bible’s True Purpose
- July 29 - Prayer is More Than Petition
- July 22 - Carl Sagan is Unscientific
- July 19 - What is Truth?
- July 15 - Get Wisdom
- July 10 - The Meaning of Conversion
- July 8 - Biblical Prayer 2
- July 2 - Biblical Prayer 1
- June 28 - The Nicene Creed (Episcopal)
- June 26 - The General Thanksgiving
- June 24 - Bible Commentary on Romans 6:18
- June 23 - Psalm 23 – The Lord is My Shepherd
- June 10 - Biblical Inerrancy
- June 4 - Healthy Spirituality
- May 20 - The Sign of the Cross
- May 20 - Sin is Selfishness
- May 13 - Tozer’s Recommended Reading List
- May 6 - Charismatic vs Pentecostal
- April 29 - Job Moments
- April 28 - What Really Upsets Us?
- April 16 - Laying on of Hands
- April 16 - Prayer for the Sick
- April 14 - The Renewal of Baptismal Vows
- March 31 - Prayers of the People
- March 29 - Before Meal Prayers
- March 26 - The Lord’s Prayer (Modern Version)
- March 24 - The Apostles’ Creed
- March 24 - A Prayer attributed to St. Francis
- March 23 - Confession of Sin
- February 4 - What is the Ecclesia?
- January 29 - Looking Back
- January 26 - Careful About One Thing Only
- January 1 - 2024 The Year of Prayer