What is Wisdom?

The Bible often tells us to seek wisdom. It tells us that wisdom is the most important thing. It tells us to “get wisdom,” to pursue it (Prov. 4:8). But what is wisdom?

This is indeed a difficult question to answer. There is no one set answer to this question. In fact, there is a whole area of philosophy and psychology trying to seek an answer to this question.

I’ve spent my life pursuing wisdom. I’ve studied a lot of the literature on the subject. So I can tell you from my own study and experience what I believe wisdom is. But this is just my opinion.

“Wisdom is seeing the whole or a part of reality from God’s perspective, thus giving one self-knowledge and insight into the true nature reality and how to flourish in it.”

Published by

Jay Forrest

Rev. Dr. Jay Forrest is a progressive Christian with a mystic heart.