Although there are groups calling themselves progressive Christianity, here, I’m not referring to those. Rather, I’m referring to Christianity that embraces critical scholarship, modern science, and a rational approach to Christianity.
The problem is that fundamentalist Christianity is living in the past. They’re living in past scholarship, past thinking, past ideas. But truth continues to unveil itself.
As scholarship has begun to investigate the origins of Christianity, we have begun to see that the commonly accepted understanding of Christianity is wrong. And that many cannot accept.
But the fact remains. That the Bible is not inerrant or invaluable. It is a human book like every other human book. So we must approach it differently than treating it as a Divine word that descended from the throne of God in pure form.
Yes, God inspired the people to write the Bible. I’m not denying that. What a denying is that the Bible is the direct word of God in pure form. Rather, it is a human attempt to put in human words, a Divine encounter.
So when I speak of progressive Christianity, I’m referring to a Christianity that embraces the facts as they are and tries to embody the love of God in today’s world. That means with the understanding of the world as we know it in the 21st century.
Of course, all that means that progressive Christianity is also inclusive. It is for diversity, inclusion and equity. Because all people, men, women and trans people deserve dignity, honor, and respect. There is no room for discrimination for yheart filled with truth and love for all.