Individualized Eschatology

Eschatology deals with the last things. This includes such things as the second coming, the millennial reign of Christ, and the end of the heaven and Earth.

Individualized eschatology says that the second coming is not an event in the future, but the end of each individual person’s life. Jesus Christ comes for that person on their deathbed. That is the second coming of Christ.

Many will argue against this viewpoint, saying that that’s not the natural reading of the scriptures. I will agree, but that is an allegorical reading of those same scriptures.

Think of it this way, when I die is when I will be with the Lord. As Paul. The apostle said, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. That means that the second coming of Christ for me takes place at my death.

Individualized eschatology solves a lot of the problems and difficulties that the church has had over the years. Everybody is always trying to predict when the second coming will take place. I predict it will take place when you die.

Of course, that will be true. At your death there are only three options. You’ll either die and go to be with the Lord, or you will be reincarnated, or you will cease to exist. All three are legitimate possibilities, depending upon your relationship with God.

Published by

Jay Forrest

Rev. Dr. Jay Forrest is a progressive Christian with a mystic heart.