How to Be a Hermit

As Paul and Karen Fredette point out, “There are as many ways of being a hermit as there are people doing it.”

Therefore, I can’t really tell you how to be a hermit. I can only share my own spiritual path, hoping something will inspire you.

Withdrawing from the world was a process for me. I became more and more out of touch with social fads, trends, and interests. Sports held no interest for me, and politics was filled with lies and deceit.

But the more I withdrew from society to be alone with God, the clearer my vision became, and the more peaceful I felt. So go where the peace is, for that is where you will find the Prince of Peace.

I am now seven years into my solitary journey. There are a few things I have learned on my way.

The first is to create a Plan of Life. This is a basic outline of your daily life, prayer time, and practice of the spiritual disciplines. I have shared my own on this website, hopefully it will be helpful.

Published by

Jay Forrest

Rev. Dr. Jay Forrest is a progressive Christian with a mystic heart.