Thomas Merton rightly said, “The eremitical life is a charism reserved for few.” Everyone can benefit from solitude, but only a few should follow the way of the hermit.
What is a Charism?
A charism is a divinely conferred power or ability. Without it The hermit life can lead to confusion and delusion. Most people need a spiritual mentor to help guide them into a deeper relationship with God.
I didn’t all of a sudden decide to become a hermit. After four decades of walking with God, I felt the inward urging into the desert of solitude.
I heard the mystics of the Roman Catholic Church and the Hesychasts of the Eastern Orthodox Church speaking to me. They were calling me away from the world into God.
The Middle Way
I found the middle way of Anglicanism that helped me bridge the gap between ancient traditions and modern realities. Merging streams of the movings of God in all ages. Opening me to new horizons and old truths.