Too many Christians trade a faith troubled by doubt, for a doubt troubled by faith. If this faith walk was easy everyone would be walking, but then if would have little value.
A faith that can’t be tested, can’t be trusted.
Good things are worth working for. A faith that can’t be tested, can’t be trusted. Faith is not believing certain things about God, faith is a wholehearted truth in God. A trust the endures the questions.
And questions will come, especially if you want to know the truth. It is only in the dark that your trust in your Guide can really be tested. It is when God makes no sense that we must trust the most.
It is in the hard times that we grow the most.
I wish I could tell you it will all work out. But I can’t. What appears bad to us may be good from a higher perspective. I don’t say this as a platitude. It is true. It is in the hard times that we grow the most.
Muscle is built by pushing and pulling against resistance. It is called resistance training. Likewise faith is built by trusting in the hard times, when things make no sense. There is no other way to build trust than in trusting when it makes no sense to trust.
No pain, no gain.
No pain, no gain. Pain tells you were self is still alive. Only the living feels pain, the dead do not. Once you are completely death to self the pain will cease. But this is usually a long journey with many small mortifications.