Don’t Speak At All

“It is easier not to speak a word at all, than not to speak more words than we should.” – Thomas a Kempis

I have found this true so often that I think it is something to be aware of.

We can get so carried away talking that our talk turns frivolous and even harmful.

We can wax elegant on how much we don’t like our job, a co-worker, or a family member. But how does such help others or ourselves?

“It is easier not to speak a word at all.” This may be true for some people, but there are many who would find silence unbearable. They just have to open their mouth.

I wish I could claim innocence. I remember recently talking to a friend and got carried away at correcting his misconception of a topic of discussion. I am afraid I gave off more heat than light.

I need to remember, “It is easier not to speak a word at all, than not to speak more words than we should.”

Published by

Jay Forrest

Rev. Dr. Jay Forrest is a progressive Christian with a mystic heart.