Correcting Others

St. Paisios the Athonite once said, “He who thinks he is capable of correcting others has too much ego.” –

It is only years later that I have come to understand this.

When one is ready to change they will ask, if they don’t ask them they are not willing. And a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.

Correct should be left to bishops and priests. It is not the place for hermits to meddle. You will only harm yourself.

What we can do, in fact must do, is take it to the Lord in prayer. God can do what we can never do. Truth God and keep quiet.

Receiving Advice

There’s a saying that I heard that I think is true. It goes something like this, “It takes more wisdom to receive advice than it does to give it.”

It’s also true that free advice is worth the price you pay. Don’t ask for advice unless you’re willing to receive it.

And don’t ask advice from someone who you don’t trust, and don’t believe is mature in the Lord.

Let him who has ears to hear, let him hear. Only an open heart has an open mind. Only an open mind can let in new light.

Wisdom is silent most of the time.

Is God Totally in Control?

Brother Lawrence is right, “Before any work can be done in our souls, God must be totally in control.”

Conviction is the call to surrender, conversion is the response to that call. Conversion means to turn around and go the other way.

Sanctification is the process of separation from selfishness and a consecration to God. This is a process, and a growth. We grow in the grace and love of God.

Our entire spiritual life is about an ever deepening surrender to God. Even when we think we’re surrendered, we find that there is still much of self still alive.

Don’t lose heart my friend. We all have to go through the same process of stripping off the old man and putting on the new one. God is faithful and he will do it in you.