American Fascists for Christ

Political historian Robert Paxton defines fascism as:

“a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood and by compensatory cultures of unity, energy, and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elitist, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.”

The Cleansing

The cleansing must begin with a small group that the majority dislikes. In the United States that is the trans community. An easy target to begin the cleansing with. Also included are the immigrants, the stranger in our midst.

Widespread Ignorance

Most Americans are ignorant of the organizations who are behind this hostile government takeover. They know nothing of the Heritage Foundation, Christian Nationalism, or Project 2025. They are completely ignorant of the history of the rise of Adolf Hitler and Mussolini. They don’t know what fascism or oligarchy are

The fact of the matter, they don’t understand how the United States government is supposed to work, how propaganda works, and how they have been manipulated by big money. They have bought into conspiracy theories, trust media outlets, and believe they’re lying politicians, both Democrats and Republicans.

Corporatists and Oligarchs

Democrats are just as guilty as Republicans. They both work for big money. Bernie Sanders is one of the only people telling the truth. The Democrats work for the corporatists and the Republicans for the oligarchs. With Donald Trump, the oligarchs won.

The Plan

The plan is simple, the United States government is being dismantled so that the rich are no longer taxed or regulated. Elon Musk is not the solution, he is the problem. Him and his other billionaire friends. They are no longer behind the curtain pulling the strings, they have stepped out of the shadows to take control. They are the owners of this country that George Carlin told you about.

Everything will be privatized and sold to the highest bigger. Democracy in the United States is dying. The Democrats helped weaken it, but the Republicans are driving the stake right into the heart.


I am not optimistic. But we must do what we can to fight against the move to a fascist government. We need to protect the right of the LGBTQ+ community and the immigrant community. Other minorities will follow.

Christian Nationalism

My main concern is the misappropriation of the name of Christ and Christianity to sanction racism, bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia and hatred. This is wrong. This is slandering the Gospel and the Lord Jesus Christ. I denounce it in the strongest terms possible. It is reprehensible!

But the fact is, as Chris Hedges explains, our Christian values “are being dismantled often with stealth, by a radical Christian movement, known as dominionism, which seeks to cloak itself in the mantle of the Christian faith and American patriotism.” This group is Christian Nationalism and have taken over the Evangelical leadership.

Recommend Reading
  • American Fascist: The Christian Right and the War on America by Chris hedges
  • The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism by Tim Alberta
  • The Violent Take It by Force: The Christian Movement That Is Threatening Our Democracy by Matthew D. Taylor
  • Taking America Back for God: Christian Nationalism in the United States by Andrew Whitehead and Samuel Perry
  • How the World Works by Noam Chomsky

Published by

Jay Forrest

Rev. Dr. Jay Forrest is a progressive Christian with a mystic heart.