Once upon a time an old hermit and his disciples were making their living tending a farm. They lived near a village that was situated on the border of another country.
One day, the discipline left the barn gate open and their only horses they needed for plowing ran off. All the villagers felt sorry for the disciple. But the old hermit spoke to his disciples, “Whether this event is good or bad, only God knows.”
A couple months later his horse came back with a group of good, noble healthy wild horses. All the villagers congratulated the disciple. But the old hermit spoke to him, “Whether this event is good or bad, only God knows.”
One day the disciple, who loved riding horses, tried riding one of the wild horses. But the horse threw him, and he fell and broke his leg. All the villagers felt sorry for him. But the old hermit spoke to him, “Whether this event is good or bad, only God knows.”
A month later the two countries went to war. The government issued a draft requiring all able bodied men to join the army. When they came to the hermit’s farm, they did not draft ever of them, for The hermit was too old and his disciple had a broken leg. All the villagers were amazed. Who could have foreseen these events?
Adapted from a Chinese Parable