Growing Older Reflections

You know one thing that growing older gives you, it is perspective. I don’t believe you can get that in any other way.

So many things that I thought were absolutely sure when I was younger, I no longer am so certain of. Age brings forth wisdom, if we are open to looking at things differently.

Growing older doesn’t automatically mean you become wise. You only grow wise when you see things from God’s perspective, and then act accordingly. Much of growing older is unlearning.

For me, faith has been difficult. I’ve gone through my doubts, my disbeliefs and my struggles. The truth is, it’s harder to believe than not to. But I’d rather have a faith troubled by doubt, than a doubt. troubled by faith.

They say that a faith that can’t be tested can’t be trusted. My faith has been tested, and it has failed. But I have gotten up and I have returned. Like the prodigal son, I return to the Father’s loving arms. Great is our God!

Published by

Jay Forrest

Rev. Dr. Jay Forrest is a progressive Christian with a mystic heart.