Healthy Spirituality

“Healthy spirituality has always been a question of putting a number of things into delicate balance and then walking a tightrope so as not to fall off either side.” – Ronald Rollheiser

It is too easy to be pulled off balance. Equilibrium is a state of spiritual maturity few of us reach. Yet, spiritual health is found in balance. It is known as the middle way.

The primary way we get off balance is by going to extremes. By doing one thing really well, yet at the same time ignoring the opposite activity.

When we neglect our home life, we become a workaholic. Dedicated to work, but then neglectful of our private life.

When we neglect our private devotions, we become a person who is religious but not spiritual. We must balance church and home life. Spirituality is about deepening our awareness in the flow of life, not separate from it.

We must balance contemplation and action, passion and purity, duty and self-awakening, community and individuality. You must balance work and home life.

We must balance doing things and being present in the moment. There are so many ways that we can get off balance. It is a human problem, and it is pervasive.

Awareness of a problem is the first step in solving it. Knowing how easy we can get off balanced, let us be watchful of extremes. Beware of becoming focused on one thing only.