Recommended Bible Translations

Every so often somebody will ask me about which translation of the Bible do I recommend. Although there are exceptions to this, I usually recommend one of two translations. It depends on what they are going to be using the Bible for.

Read or Study?

There are two basic uses of the Bible. The first use is to read the Bible. The second use is to study the Bible. And there is, in my opinion, a best translation for each of these practices.

New International Version

For reading the Bible, I recommend the New International Version (2011). I think it is in modern English, it is fairly accurate, and it is easy for most people to read. It is currently the best-selling Bible translation.

New Revised Standard Version

For studying the Bible, I recommend the New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition (2021). That is because I think this is the most accurate and scholarly translation. But admittedly, the translation uses more difficult words and requires a larger vocabulary. Therefore, it requires a little more work.

So there you have it. If you’re looking to read the Bible, get the NIV. If you’re looking to study the Bible, get the NRSVue.

Published by

Jay Forrest

Rev. Dr. Jay Forrest is a progressive Christian with a mystic heart.