Christian mysticism is one of the most misunderstood terms. It is defined in numerous ways. All kinds of crazy ideas fall under the title of Christian mysticism.
The word began within the Christian tradition. Therefore, when we speak of Christian mysticism, it must first and foremost be Christian. That means it must be based upon the life teachings and death of Jesus Christ and his Apostles. That eliminates the lot that calls itself. Christian mysticism.
So let me give you a simple definition I came up with. I think this is both accurate and concise.
Christian mysticism is the pursuit of, the study of, and the attainment of an experience of oneness with God in and through Jesus Christ.
So they’re three aspects of Christian mysticism. First is the pursuit of the experience of oneness with God in and through Christ. This is the practice of Christian mysticism, also called asceticism.
The second aspect of Christian mysticism is the study of the experience of oneness with God, it and through Jesus Christ. This is what you find in books and numerous teachings on the subject. This is trying to put you to words and experience that is beyond words.
And the third and final aspect of Christian mysticism is the experience of oneness with God in and through Jesus Christ. This is the actual experience. The whole point of the pursuit and the study, should be the attainment of this experience.