Donald Trump is Evil

“Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment” (John 7:24).

Do Not Judge?

Here we are told that we should judge, but that we must be careful when we judge that we use just standards. That is, we must judge according to God’s ethical standards.

Jesus told us how to detect evil people. He said, “You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns or figs from thistles?” (Matt. 7:16).

By fruit, Jesus is talking about their conduct. Evil behavior does not come from a good heart, and good behavior does not come from an evil heart. And here he is not talking about isolated acts, but a lifestyle.

Unrepentant Liar, Adulterer, Felon

Donald J. Trump has been documented as lying more than any other President in modern history. He has committed multiple acts of adultery, misused funds, and cheated multiple people. He is a convicted felon, after all.

What makes him evil, is he has never apologized for any of this. Those that publicly disagree with him, he has set out to destroy. He is not afraid to use power to retaliate against his political foes.

Four Causes

The cult of personality, confirmation bias, media misinformation, and a weak moral compass is why many follow Trump. Many Christians are willing to sacrifice democracy for the sake of an abortion ban.

Most Trump supporters are ignorant of the Heritage Foundation, have never read Project 2025, and are clueless about oligarchy, fascism, and general history.

Many make the mistake that anyone who speaks out against Trump is a Democrat who wants to ruin traditional values. In their minds, you are either with Trump or you are the enemy. The “us and them” rhetoric is straight out of the fascist playbook.

Blind Faith

The problem is, people have put their faith in Donald Trump. He is their man, and their identity is wrapped up in this. To attack Trump is to attack them. Their faith is nearly unshakable. All the while, democracy is dying.

There can be no doubt that the United States is in trouble. And neither the Democrats nor Republicans have been willing to fix it. But that is because the rulers of this nation, the rich and the powerful, have bought out our political system.

They allowed Trump to win because he is an easy pawn that billionaires like Elon Musk can manipulate. Why do you think the first thing Trump does when he gets in power is to give his billionaire friends a tax cut.

Media Misinformation

If you repeat a lie long enough, people begin to believe it. And when people trust a liar more than the media, you have our current situation. Mega followers do not fact-check Donald Trump. They blindly just believe whatever he says. And they surely don’t appreciate it when others fact check him.

So we are in a mess. People don’t know who to believe. We just throw memes at each other in passing. There can be no conversation, no dialogue. This can only lead to violence. If we don’t bow the knee to emperor Trump, we will pay for it.

Demonic Delusion

What actually troubles me even more, is that many Christians seem to be deluded into thinking that Donald Trump is a Christian, yes, even a defender of the faith. I promise you he is neither. He has manipulated Christians by throwing them bones to get their votes. He used them, and they let him.

There is clearly a demonic cloud over the eyes of many Christians. What I see so clearly, they cannot see at all. That someone would even ask me why I believe that Donald Trump is evil, illustrates my point. He’s an unrepentant criminal.

But I am not a follower of Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, or any other human. I am not a Democrat or Republican, I am independent. I agree with many of Trump’s supporters on a number of issues. But I just don’t think a dictatorship by an evil man is the answer.

This Could Be the End

History will prove me right, but in the meantime we will have to deal with the hurt, harm, and chaos Donald Trump will cause. I don’t believe we will recover from this for decades, if ever. This could be the end of democracy in the United States.

This is why I say that Donald Trump is evil. And the only reason I am saying that publicly, is because the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

I am pleading with Christians to pray that the eyes of their understanding may be enlightened, that they might see the truth. Donald Trump is closer to the antichrist than to Christ. For “false christs will rise” and “deceive, if possible, even the elect” (Matt. 24:24 NKJV).

Published by

Jay Forrest

Rev. Dr. Jay Forrest is a progressive Christian with a mystic heart.